Mary Speaks To Israel

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Please also see these pages:

God the Father – Messages To The Nations

Jesus Christ Speaks To The Nations and America

Our Lady – Mary – Speaks To The Nations – Messages

Also see this important heavenly message with prayers:
End Times Daily – Message to Ned Dougherty – September 2, 2016 – Our Lady of Prompt Succor

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Also see these heavenly messages:
“The Importance of Jerusalem – Prophecies”
“The Jews will finally accept Jesus Christ”
“The Two Witnesses – Messages”



April 9, 2011


Our Lady Speaks to the Nations

The time is short.  Soon the events will begin.  At first, they will seem small and isolated, but then, like a match touched to a forest, the conflagration will spread.  How can this happen?  Are not the walls put up, the pacts signed and the treaties made?  What is wrong?  The sins of the past have not been removed by repentance.

To Israel

Would I not speak to a people who gave me birth and nourished my faith – a people I have always loved. Yes, I will say it – people I have always loved. You are my people, not just the people of my heart but the people of my flesh and blood. You are my Son’s people, of the same flesh and blood.

You are a wandering people. First, you wandered in the desert and now you have wandered for centuries. Dispersed and not gathered together. United only by the word, the Torah, the teachings and prophets. Yet, these have kept you together and given you an identity.

“I am a Jew” you say, a member of a proud race, begun by Abraham and gathered together by Moses, united in the glory of King David, sent into exile, gathered again in Jerusalem, dispersed by the Romans and now present in every land, waiting and waiting for the Messiah.

Have you ever asked, “Has he already come? Who is this Jesus, whom so many proclaim as Lord?” Have you ever asked, “Were we mistaken? Did the forefathers kill the Son sent by the Father? Did they not kill the prophets before Him?” Yet, today, you acclaim these prophets. Why do you not acclaim my Son?

No need to recall your history. Even more important, there is no need to allow these centuries to stand as an impregnable wall. Let us go back. Let us go back to the beginning. How did we get separated? How did we part our ways? How did those Jews who believed in Jesus get set aside?

Were their voices not heard? Were they not persecuted? Look at what Saul did before my Son appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Saul is my key witness. Study his life. Study his message. See him as one who persecuted the believers. Why did he change? Was he bribed? Was he forced to become a believer? Or, did he really see my Son? Did he encounter Jesus in the fullness of his resurrection? This is the question you must face.

You are a Jew. You will always be a Jew. I am a Jew. Paul is a Jew. Do not believe those who say that you cannot believe in my Son and remain a Jew. A believer remains a Jew, a Jew who has come to a fullness.

February 21, 2012

“The Modern Day Cyrus Sent to Israel”


Editor’s note: (In the sixth century B.C., the Jews were exiled in Babylon.  However, Cyrus, King of Persia, conquered Babylon and in 538 B.C. surprisingly allowed the Jewish captives to return to Jerusalem.  Isaiah (45:1) calls him the shepherd of Yahweh and gives him the title “the anointed of Yahweh.)

Do not take your eyes off of Israel, because I never remove mine from the people who gave me birth.  Nor do I remove my protecting hand.  However, now they are surrounded by enemies, far stronger than any described in the bible, and they are deciding what needs to be done.  If only they knew to call on me!  If only they had devotion to me, I could lead them on safe paths.

All is at Risk

I would have led them quite differently than the path they have taken so far.   Even though the heavenly Father formed them, brought them into existence from the loins of Abraham, and gave them the land called holy, they have allowed the secular spirit to decide their path.

What a people!  For centuries, they wandered the earth with no land to call their own.  Now, the state of Israel has been formed and millions have gone there to regain their hopes.  Yet, all is at risk and can easily be destroyed.  What are my words to that nation which I love?  What is the purpose of these events?  I will speak clearly.

Words to Israel

O Israel, in the bible, whenever your existence was threatened you turned to your prophets to seek the will of God and to know what to do.  At times, you would listen to those words and repent.  Then, God would avert the danger.  At other times, when no danger existed, you would wander away from God, trusting in your own security.  Now, this has happened again and your enemies are great.  Much to your chagrin, they seek to wipe you off the face of the earth.

So, I say to you, “I will come to you”.  Even now, before the hostilities begin, I am coming to you.  Do not be surprised by the divine signs.  Even though you do not call me “Mother” you are still deep within my heart.  My flesh and blood came from you.  Through me, the prophetic words about your Messiah were fulfilled.  So, where do we go from here?  What will be our relationship in the future?  I will spell it out clearly.

Modern Day Cyrus

The threats to your security will open a new era.  A door will open that has been closed for centuries.  It will be a special moment and God will do something new.  Just as when God raised up Cyrus and set his seal upon him to allow the exiles to return, so I will raise up someone according to my own heart.  He, too, will act in a surprising way.  You will know who it is.  Like Cyrus, he will be known to the nations.  When he acts, you will also know that he is acting totally on your behalf.  He will do this unselfishly because he is not an Israeli.  He will come because I have sent him.  His heart will be gentle and kind.  You will ask him, “Why did you come to save us?”  He will respond, “The woman clothed with the sun sent me.  She is from you.  She is one of you.  She has not forgotten you even though you have rejected her Son”.

A New Beginning

Then, Israel, we will begin again.  The former rejections will be set aside.  The old will be swept away.  I will take you to myself.  Like the nations, you, too, will call me “Mother”.  You will be a special son to me because you are the nation that gave me birth.


Book of Truth
(Maria Divine Mercy)

“The enemies of the Jews in all nations will gather together in unity to crush Israel”
Friday, November 30th, 2012 @ 22:20

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the prophecies foretold in the Old Testament regarding the fate of the Jews is to become evident shortly.

My chosen race will suffer

The Jews who rejected the Covenant of God, laid down by Moses, will suffer as they have done for centuries. Their power over the land of their forefathers will be taken and the only solution will be to sign a treaty where they will become slaves to the antichrist. My chosen race will suffer, just as I did, and little mercy will be shown to them.

The treatment of the Jews will be worse than that shown to them during the genocide, which took place in the Second World War.

It will be in Israel that the Tribulation will be seen, as foretold, clearly.

It will be because of Israel, that wars will escalate, when it will become difficult to determine who the real enemy will be.

The peace treaty will be signed soon afterwards and the man of peace will enter the world stage.

European Union will crush all traces of God

The beast with the ten horns, that is the European Union, will crush all traces of God.

Now is the time to prepare for their cruelty, which will be unprecedented, when it will come to the abolition of Christianity.

How proud they will be when the little one, hidden amongst them, will rise and boast of his power. They will applaud the appointed leader of a new church and his power will spread over the world.

This will develop quickly and to those sacred servants of Mine, who do not accept the Truth of this prophecy, you must know this.

Should you conform to the new laws of Rome, a city, which will be seized by the liar and servant of the antichrist, you will become a prisoner of this new regime. When you see the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist being amended and changed beyond recognition, know that this will be your chance to turn your back on this wicked regime.

My Church is infallible. It will remain infallible. If others, however, within My Church, rebel against My Teachings and change the Holy Sacraments they will be cast away from My Church. The new regime, not of God, will be fallible for it will not represent the Truth. Only My Teachings can be adhered to by Christians.

If you follow a manmade religion you cannot call yourself a Christian. Anyone who says that My Church is infallible is correct.

Anyone who claims to belong to a new church, where My Teachings have been tampered with and where My Sacraments have been abolished, will be living a lie.

This will be a very difficult time for My sacred servants, for they must follow the Laws laid down by My Church. I say to you now that you must still do this. But, as soon as My Sacraments have been desecrated, only follow My True Church. By then only those servants who follow the Truth can claim to lead My people according to the instructions laid down by Me during My time on earth.

Rise of Paganism

The rise of paganism will sweep over the earth and in its wake a false sense of peace will be created. Then you will see the rise in the adulation of celebrities and a fanatical devotion to new age spiritualism and satanic worship, disguised as modern psychological therapy. This is where worship of oneself will be the most important trait to strive for.

Sexual immorality will increase as the Battle of Armageddon intensifies

Abortion and murder will be so common that many will become immune to any feeling of compassion for those who are vulnerable.

It will be during this time that My army will continue, undaunted, in their mission to save souls. Nothing will stop them and for every hour of their prayers I will mitigate much of this suffering in the world.

To the Jews I say this. You have suffered because of your failure to listen to the Word of God through the prophets. You, however,will finally accept the True Messiah soon. Then you, too, will join My Army as it marches towards victory against the antichrist.

You will suffer just as I did for this has been foretold. The House of David will have its day of victory on the day I will raise up the New Jerusalem out of the ashes. As My New Kingdom emerges the king of the pagan world and his servants will be turned into ashes.

My Promise to come to bring you to My Father’s Kingdom is close. To you I pledge My Love and My Loyalty, as your promised Messiah, promised to you so long ago.

This is your inheritance. You did not reject Me, your Jesus when I was crucified. You rejected God.

I Am God. I Am the way for you to enter the New Paradise. Accept My Hand for I love you, I forgive you. You are My People and I Am coming for you.


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Also see this website for more information on Our Lady of Soufanieh:

Summary: Our Lady of Soufanieh – Apparitions and messages from Our Lord and Our Lady to a mystic in Damascus, Syria, calling for unification between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Calls for unity in the same Easter feast day. Confirmed by stigmata and holy oil on Russian icon.

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Also see this website for more information on Our Lady of Zeitun:

Summary: Our Lady of Zeitun – Apparitions of Our Lady witnessed by millions of people in Zeitun and other towns in Egypt in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Many recorded videos and newspaper articles.

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Please see this page on The Lady of All Nations – Mother of All Nations:

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