Prophet John Leary – Messages from Jesus Christ – February 20, 2017 Update

Prophet John Leary

Monday, February 20, 2017

Jesus said: “My son, you had a small flashback of your work place experiences, much like you will see in your Warning experience. Everyone will have their own life review, all at the same time. My Warning will be a blessing for all souls to wake up spiritually, and see how much they are offending Me in their sins. This may be the last chance for some souls to be converted. After your life review and your mini-judgment, you will see many people desiring to come to Confession to have Me forgive their sins. My people will have a chance to convert their family members, because they will be open to your evangelization efforts. Trust in Me that I love all of you so much that I will give everyone this one last chance to be saved. Remember that I told you how all the souls, who go to hell, have chosen hell of their own free will. Keep praying for all your family members with your persistent prayers, and you could help save their souls.”

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about loving your enemies and your persecutors. This is difficult for man’s ways, but I want you to imitate My love in My ways, just as I want you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. If you all had Christian love instead of wanting everything your own way, then your country would not be so divided. The biggest problem that you have in your politics, is that neither side is willing to compromise and get along. You are more content to lord it over the side who has the least votes. When one party has its way for eight years, they cannot stand being denied when it’s the other party’s turn. Love everyone, or you will always have wars and disagreements.”

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, My Transfiguration was a preview of My Glorified Body after My Resurrection. On Mt. Tabor I was glorified with gleaming white clothes to show My apostles My Divine Glory before them. Moses and Elijah appeared beside Me to show that I came to fulfill the law. My heavenly Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This was to show My apostles that I was sent by God the Father to offer My life on the cross to bring redemption to all sinners, who will repent and accept Me in love. This whole event was to increase the apostles’ faith in Me for St. Peter, St. John, and St. James. I told them not to tell anyone about this manifestation until after I rose from the dead. I have already died and I rose again, so you can tell everyone of this glorious event.”

Jesus said: “My people, the invention of the wheel has been very helpful in moving things for many years. The invention of the automobile has been around for years also, and it enables you to travel large distances, and to run errands to get food or go to the bank. In years past, you had to use horses and a buckboard to move things. Cars are more convenient than horses, but they still cost a lot of money, and you are dependent on gas and oil to run them. My apostles would have had more options to evangelize people, if they lived now. My faithful have this advantage of travel, so you need to get out and evangelize souls. Your cars can also be used to help transport people to church or help your relatives and friends when they need to move things. This is another means of offering your services for charity. You have had other times when you have shared your skills and your faith. So be open to take advantage of My opportunities of grace.”

Friday, February 17, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, in the early years people wanted to make a name for themselves, so they built a great Tower of Babel. I did not approve of what they were doing, so I brought different languages upon man so they were spread all over the world in confusion. Sometimes you see man’s pride also in all of the skyscrapers that he builds in his cities. You are even seeing the devil’s confusion that he brings upon you from your greed and pride. In the Gospel I am giving you some Lenten thoughts, when I tell My faithful that they need to pick up their crosses of life and carry them for love of Me. I carried My cross to Calvary, and all of you must accept the crosses of life and bear them as your commitment for life. You all face the many trials of life, but bear them for love of Me, and you could gain merits for your suffering. Man is tested by greed to have ownership of this world’s goods of cars, houses, riches, and fame. Do not just seek these things for your own selfish motives, but seek what will help your souls get to heaven. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but he loses his soul in the process? Your goal should be to strive to have a pure soul with frequent Confession and good deeds, so you will be worthy of coming to heaven. Gaining heaven for your soul is far more valuable than all the riches of this world that are passing away. Your soul lives on forever, so do not get taken up with things that will pass away. Seek eternal life of love and peace with Me, and you will be completely satisfied.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages of how My angels are going to protect your refuge and other refuges with an invisible shield, so the evil ones could not see you. This protection would extend to the borders of your property. I am showing you this white Light because your refuge will be expanded to hold more people than the original forty people, that you were asked to prepare for. The larger refuges will have a white luminous cross in the sky that people will be healed when they look upon it in faith. This luminous cross is the white Light that will be in the sky over your refuge. Be thankful that you will be blessed with this healing miracle. You are noticing how often the sump pump in your new basement is going on at this time of year when your yard is moist. If you unplug this pump, you could bail out plenty of wash water for cleaning clothes, dishes, and sponge baths. You do have a small spring in your backyard that you may be able to use as a shallow well for your water needs. Have trust in Me that I will provide for multiplying your water, food, and fuels for the survival of your people.”

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My disciples who I am. First they responded about how other people thought I was a prophet like Elijah or St. John the Baptist. But when I asked them specifically who they thought I was, then St. Peter said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended St. Peter for his answer, and I told him that the Holy Spirit inspired his answer. My people of today need to remember that I am truly God’s Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Then I gave My apostles a prophecy of My mission when I said the Jewish leaders would have Me crucified on a cross, but that I would rise from the dead after three days. This was My mission to come to earth as a God-man, and I would sacrifice My life for the sins of all of mankind in the past, present, and the future. I had to rebuke St. Peter because he did not want Me to die. But I have a world to save, and My plans had to be carried out according to My heavenly Father’s plans. My sacrifice of blood is far greater than all of the animal sacrifices. After My sacrifice on the cross, there is no longer any need for any more animal sacrifices. Give praise and thanks to Me that I died for each and every sinner on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading after Noah and the animals left the ark, I told them to go forth and multiply, and subdue the earth over all of the animals. All the animals could be food for man. After Cain killed Abel years before, I told the people of that time that life was sacred, and they should not kill each other, or they will face a harsh judgment. The blood of man is precious, and even the blood of animals as well. They could only eat animals that had the blood drained or removed. This would make My Blood even more precious when it is poured out on sinners to convert them. At every Mass you have the bread and wine transubstantiated into My Body and Blood that you receive in Holy Communion. Because human life is so precious, this is why it is so important to stop your abortions that kill My babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had a few of your President’s Cabinet let go, and your Press media was pressuring your President with some stories that were not true. He is trying to get his Cabinet confirmed, but he has had a slow time in the Senate. He still has had some advances to try and retain some jobs here in America. Keep praying for your President and his Administration to get your country back to more Christian principles that your country was founded on.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw a meeting of coal workers encouraging your President to allow coal to be used in your power plants, without so many regulations that were closing these plants. Now you will have the needed electricity that your factories will need to get your workers back to making good wages again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more optimism in your people for getting your industrial jobs back. You have seen a rapid rise in your stock market with increased earnings and more jobs coming. Your President is trying to discourage your corporations from sending jobs to Mexico and China by using a border tax on goods coming into your country. It will take time, but your companies are seeing it is more profitable to build plants in your country than to send them overseas. I have allowed you a reprieve with the miracle of your new President’s win.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some continued protests against your new President without giving him a chance to make good on his promises. The one world people and your opposition party have done all they could to harass your President, and slow down his Cabinet confirmations. Your TV and press media have put out many stories to harass your President, and some have used criminal leaks of secure information. Even false stories have been used to try and stop your new President. The people are getting tired of seeing such harassment that you have not seen with other Presidential transitions. Continue praying for your new President, as he is trying to improve your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, your present Supreme Court cannot function properly with four against four. Many lower court rulings are left standing because the High Court cannot agree on certain cases. With a new justice, your Supreme Court could function better. You are also about to see more action on your tax structure and a change in your health program. Again, pray that your country’s important issues could find some common ground to help your country move forward.”

Jesus said: “My refuge builders, I am giving you a reprieve of time by allowing your new President to win against the one world order people. Your President has set the plans of the one world people back, so they will have to take time to implement a new plan for taking over your country. This could involve a created financial turmoil with a potential crash of your money and your markets. My refuge builders are getting more time to prepare, but My people need to be ready to leave their homes when their lives will be threatened. Trust in My help to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, after the rain of the Great Flood was over, Noah sent out birds to see if the waters had subsided. Finally, a dove came back with an olive branch in its beak, which has become a peace symbol. When the dove did not return, he opened the hatch to see that the land was appearing again. I had to evaporate the water, and store water in your aquifers so the land could appear. Once Noah brought the animals out of the ark, there was a new renewal, or a recreation of the earth with its plants and animals. Noah and his family had to repopulate the earth, and they lived a long time. In the Gospel I healed the blind man and light came into his sight as a new creation as well. There are many people walking around in spiritual blindness because they fail to see My Light of faith in their hearts and souls. These people are the ones who need to be converted to help save their souls. This is why I am constantly calling on My faithful to pray for the conversion of sinners with your evangelization efforts. When I bring My Warning, the sinners will have one last chance to wake up and see My Light in faith. If they fail to repent and accept Me in love, then they will be on the path to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent gives people thoughts about repenting about their sins, praying more, Confession, making some sacrifices, fasting, and almsgiving to charities. These are good ways to help improve your spiritual lives. You are constantly being challenged by the devil’s temptations. This is why you need to build up your spiritual strength to combat your daily temptations from the devil. Fasting can be a challenge for your diet, especially not eating between meals, and if you are giving up sweets and desserts. It is a challenge of your will power over your bodily cravings. If you really try, you can live without sweets, and you do not need food between meals. Coming to frequent Confession can also be a challenge to be truthful in telling your sins to a priest. You need to make a good preparation in order to make a good Confession. During Lent you could also examine your budget to give some extra donations to your local food shelf, or to the poor through various organizations. Look at how much you spend on eating out, on entertainment, or on expensive items that are extras that you could do without. Just reallocating some spending would greatly help some charities that you could donate to in money or time. By thinking out what you could do this Lent, you could even work on some of your bad habits. By disciplining your physical and spiritual desires, you could improve your lives and please Me too. Start thinking of these ideas now so you can start Lent with a plan that you could continue for forty days.”

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, Noah and his family were righteous people and obeyed My laws, so I had him build an ark for his family and the animals because I intended to kill the evil people with a flood. I spared Noah and his family from drowning, even while the evil people ridiculed them for building such a large ark in the desert. The rains came and flooded the earth, and the evil ones were killed. In some places you are seeing small floods, but I will not cover the earth again with a flood, and I left the rainbow in the sky as a sign of My covenant. A time of tribulation of the evil Antichrist is coming, but his reign will be brief. This time I am having My refuge builders make safe havens for My faithful people. Your refuges will be like arks where My angels will protect you. After I bring My Comet of Chastisement upon the earth, all the evil people will be killed, and cast into hell. I will protect My people by raising them into the air so they are not killed by the Comet. Then I will renew the earth as it was in the beginning, and My people will be brought down to live in My Era of Peace for a long time.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is being attacked by your media, the opposition party, and the one world people, as the masons. It is the rich evil ones who are paying people to cause protests and riots. These evil ones are also paying off your Congress people to go against your President. Now, some of the Obama bureaucrats are leaking information to the ‘fake news’ press to harass your President’s Cabinet, and even his family members. You have never seen such a reaction to a new President. If your people do not support your President, you could see his plans get stopped by your mason infested Congress. I told you before that opposition to change the old guard establishment will be very difficult. Your President may indeed have to use his Executive Orders to get any quick action done, because of the resistance in your Congress. Continue praying for your country’s President and his protection. I will send My angels to help him, but your country needs to come back to Me in repentance of your sins.”

Monday, February 13, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the first reading how Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and pride. Cain did not offer up his best crops, so I was not pleased with his offering. Abel offered up his best sheep, and I was pleased with his offering. Cain did not like it that his younger brother had a better offering. It was pride that took over Cain’s heart, and he was jealous of Abel’s offering that I accepted over Cain’s. Cain did not want this to continue, so he killed Abel out in the field. This was the first killing by anger, but you have seen constant killings in wars, over drugs, and in abortions. Some people kill for money, revenge, or out of anger. In abortion some women are killing their babies out of convenience, or to cover up an embarrassing pregnancy. Again, it is out of greed, pride, or jealousy that motivates people to kill others. There is a great punishment for killing people, because you are robbing people from fulfilling My plan for them. Even people, who are not punished here for their abortions, will suffer at their judgment. There needs to be a repenting of sin, if a person wants to be saved.”

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, I needed to explain to the people that it is not just the letter of the law that is important, but it is the spirit of the law in doing things out of love of Me and love of your neighbor. Even in the Ten Commandments, the first three are about love of Me, and the other seven are about love of neighbor. It is true what was said how you learn about My laws through knowledge, but it takes understanding and wisdom to follow My laws in love from the heart. Once you can move your knowledge from the brain to the heart, then you can live your lives by love. I was also expanding the meaning of My laws beyond just the act of adultery for example. This also includes even thinking of such an act about someone as a serious sin as well. By meditating on the spirit of the law, you can see how I am deeply offended by your bad actions, and your evil thoughts. I mentioned in the Gospel that you need to forgive one another, and confess your sins in Confession before you can come and receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. It is your sins and your evil intentions that come out of your hearts, so guard your intentions to keep a pure soul.”

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, today’s readings have many meanings. The first reading is when Adam and Eve faced their judgment for committing their sin against Me. I promised man a Redeemer, but I cast them out of the Garden of Eden. Man would have to work by the sweat of his brow to get his food, and the woman would have to suffer pain in bearing children. Adam and Eve also were separated from eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, so they could not live forever, but now they would die. I have told My faithful that in My Era of Peace, you would have many Trees of Life, so you could live a long life. But at a certain length of time, all of you would die and be prepared to come to heaven as saints. In the Gospel you are seeing how I took pity on the four thousand people, and I multiplied the seven loaves of bread and the two fish so all of the people ate and were satisfied. They collected twelve baskets of fragments so the food did not go to waste. When I distributed the bread, I broke it and blessed it, as I gave it to My apostles. This was similar to how I broke the bread and blessed it, and I gave it to My apostles at the Last Supper. You now receive My very Self in the consecrated Host, as I feed you in Holy Communion both physically and spiritually, as I am the ‘Bread of Life.’ After My Resurrection, you remember when My two disciples walked with Me on the road to Emmaus, and I explained all the references to Me in the Old Testament. Then at supper I broke bread with them, and they recognized Me, as I disappeared. So all of you can remember Me in the ‘Breaking of the Bread’ at every Mass. Even at your refuges, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest.”

Jesus said: “My people, your time for converting souls is growing short before I will bring My Warning. Those souls, who are faithful to Me, will not be tested by seeing any mini-judgment to hell. If you come to frequent Confession to keep a clean soul, then you will only see some possible purgatory time. After My Warning, you will be moving as fast as you can to win souls over to Me, especially those souls in your own family. Once your people witness their life reviews, they will be seeking My forgiveness, and they will be more open to your conversion efforts. If you can convert them, then My angels will put a cross on their foreheads. Without accepting Me in faith, they cannot enter My refuges. With your brief power outage, you were able to get a fire going in your fireplace, and you quickly got your oil lamps burning for light. Your wind-up flashlight helped you find your gas lighter, your lamps, and your lamp oil. You see now how important it is to be able to get heat and light quickly when the power goes out at night. You need to call your solar installer to check how your battery equipment could get turned on when the power goes out. You may have had some shorts when the water came in your lines. Be thankful that you have made your preparations to survive without power. I will have My angels assist you in multiplying any needed fuels, water, and food. Trust in My protection that you had a practice drill to get you ready for the real tribulation.”

Friday, February 10, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, I call My faithful to love each other and to help each other when you can. Sometimes you are helping others, and at other times people will help you in return. You all have earthly needs, and you feel good when you can help someone, even if you are not asked. These good deeds are your way of thanking Me when you help your neighbors. In today’s first reading you see how the devil in the serpent, tricked Eve and then Adam into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The serpent lied to them that they would be like gods, so they desired this for their knowledge. But they broke My law, and caused this original sin to be placed on everyone. This is why I promised man a Redeemer, when I would offer up My life so your sins could be forgiven. This is also why I call My faithful to baptize their children, to take away this original sin of Adam and Eve. Baptism also brings My children into your faith community, and this puts the children on the road to heaven with the parents’ help.”

Jesus said: “My people, your enemies know how vulnerable your electric grid is. Your people have not taken enough care in protecting your grid from terrorist attacks. Unless you have enough generators to backup your electricity, you would have difficulty with your internet, your banking, and your heaters with electrical components. There are several ways to shut down your electricity. You could use an EMP attack from a bomb or a local high powered EMP machine. You could create a short circuit surge that would trip your breakers. You could physically destroy crucial substations. Hackers could attack any sensitive code that controls your substations. You could find a way to turn off the grid switches themselves. The one world people will find a way to turn off your electricity when they begin their takeover attempt on America. Your country should work harder on the means of protecting your electric grid from attack. Even Faraday cages could be used to defend against EMP attacks, if they were placed around your vulnerable power stations. You could also use older vacuum tube run devices that are not affected by EMP. Without defending your electrical grid, you will remain vulnerable to an attack on your power grid. Pray for your country’s protection with My angels.”

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading about the creation of the world in Genesis, and how I created man and woman. You also had a time when people became so evil, that I saved Noah and his family, along with the animals in the ark, when the flood killed the evil ones. I had to make a new creation on the earth again. In the vision you saw My Light when I came on the earth so I could bring a new spiritual creation. I died for the sins of mankind, and I opened the gates of heaven. After another evil time of the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and you will see another recreation when I renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Rejoice because this will be similar to the beginning before the fall of Adam and Eve in their sin against Me. After this Era, My faithful will be prepared to be saints before entering heaven. Those people, who love Me and follow My laws, will have their reward in heaven. But those people, who hate Me and do not repent, will see their just punishment forever in hell. Choose life and love to be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, by all comparisons of previous Presidents, the Cabinet confirmations for your President have been almost the slowest ever. In addition to this problem, you are also seeing some unusual protests of your President’s travel ban. Some courts have spoken out against this ban, but this will be determined in the courts. Your President was trying to properly vet foreigners from terrorist countries. Pray for your President and your country to resolve your immigration policies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some possible threats of war from Iran, North Korea, and China. America is developing its own weapons to counter any missile attacks from these countries. Keep praying for peace and to stop any potential wars from killing people.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has been buying many products from China, and there is going to be a clash between your President and China over unfair trading advantages for China. Many corporations have sent your jobs to China for cheaper wages, but soon these trade deals many have to be renegotiated for adjusted border taxes and currency changes. This may increase the cost of your goods, but your workers may be getting some of their jobs back in deals with fair trading practices. China is challenging your country in the South China Sea. If you had a trade war with China over tariffs or taxes, both of your countries could suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you see the real purpose for these protests, you are learning that it is not just for political reasons, but it is the one world people’s plan for a takeover of your country. These riots and destruction of property are nothing more than treason against your government. Once you realize the true plans of the one world people, then your government may have to use your National Guard to establish order with a possible martial law. These evil ones are trying to cause a civil war which could result in a takeover. Pray for peace in your country, but be ready to leave for My refuges for your protection when your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Bible speaks of a coming tribulation that will allow the Antichrist a brief reign of evil in the end times. In order for this to happen, you will see a takeover of America as a punishment for your sins. This will all come about after I will bring My Warning experience to everyone at the same time all over the world. Do not be fearful of this tribulation, because My angels will protect you at My refuges. Trust in My Word that I will provide for your protection and your needs at My refuges. Once I bring My victory over these evil ones, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Wednesday,February 8,2017

Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading speaks about the Garden of Eden, where I created man from the dust, and I breathed the life spirit into the man in his soul. I also created woman from the rib of Adam as his helper. The two were instructed not to eat any fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but they were able to eat from the Tree of Life. This same spirit of the soul that I placed into Adam, is the same spirit of life that I place in every conceived baby. This is why every conception is a live human being with a soul that I love. This is also why no one should attempt to kill this baby in the womb, or you are defiling yourself with murder that comes from the heart. Abortion is killing a baby, and it is against My Fifth Commandment. Such an act is a mortal sin for the mother and for those who assist in this abortion. It is even a sin to promote abortion, because you are promoting the killing of innocent, and defenseless babies. When you see the birth of My little ones, how could you think of even killing such a beautiful creation? You not only are killing babies, but you are defying My Will for the purpose of this child’s life. In the Warning the mothers of aborted children, will see the life that their child would have lived, if they were not killed. Encourage all mothers to have their children, even if they may offer them up for adoption, when they cannot take care of them. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your abortions and your sexual sins, I am showing you some future punishments that I will send against your country. You are currently witnessing damage from a tornado, and some parts of your country are seeing floods with some deaths. Now, you are seeing organized protests against everything that your President is proposing. These protests are not just because your President won his election, but the one world people are deliberately causing treasonous acts by paying people to protest, and even cause damaging riots. Their goal is not just to protest, but they want to overthrow your government for a takeover. You have never seen so many protests after an election. The one world people were going to use the opposition (Democrat) party to form a communist government, but their plans were set back by this miracle win of your new President. He is doing everything to thwart the plans of the elite, which is why they are organizing an all out battle against your current Administration. My people may have to defend themselves from the anarchist forces marching in your streets. If these battles and riots get worse, My people will need to leave for My refuges, so you can be protected from those people who want to kill you. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges, but you will see some major disasters as punishment for your sins.”