Jesus Christ – The Extraordinary Promise – Even if they deserve to be sent to Hell – I will allow them to enter into Purgatory instead of damnation

Apostolate of the Green Scapular

JANUARY 17, 2016 AT 6:28 PM

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: Beloved one, it is I your Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Dear Jesus, may I humbly ask please, will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Heavenly Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible or invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Divine Savior Jesus, Son of the Living God, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Great I AM, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, please speak for your sinful servant is now listening.

(Private message given.)

Jesus: For this reason, have I come to speak with you this evening. My children are growing in despair for the many trials they are enduring. Many trials stem from governments who have a heavy hand on their citizens and control the civil populations. Food resources are beginning to wean and are becoming more scarce than they, my children, have witnessed in many years. Similar to their days when war was disrupting their food resources and deliveries. The prices of food and drinkable water has fallen upon my children in other countries and not knowing what is yet to come; frightens them so. For those who find themselves in this current situation, please tell them that I, their Savior, know what is taking place. I do not wish for anyone to go to bed hungry, but still they do.

Jesus: Pray now to my generous holy Mother Mary, say your Rosaries to her Immaculate and Loving Heart to request more food and water resources, so that together, in your communities, I can help bring you what is needed to sustain a balanced and healthy food supply. I also request my children to prepare and plant a garden in their yards or at a community garden. Many small gardens can be planted in containers, so even in your domiciles you can plant and harvest enough fresh food for your family members. Do not be afraid to grow food, only by your trying and doing can you achieve a successful garden. Remember, fresh food is best and if you place your garden containers where they can receive sunlight and water, they will grow.

Jesus: Please bless your gardens with Holy Water, so that they can produce more abundantly and consecrate your gardens to the Most Holy Trinity, so that my Father’s love for each person can be reflected in the amazing flourishment of your gardens produce. I will bless these gardens and I will place a grace upon each garden that is consecrated and blessed with Holy Water, that you may share with others because of the abundance you will have.

Jesus: Now be in peace, my beloved children. I see all your sorrows and I can assure you of this…If you have written anyone on a blessed Green Scapular, and they are not living a holy life but in fact…a life of sin, I will allow them to enter into Purgatory instead of damnation. Even if they deserve to be sent to Hell. For I wish all of humanity to be saved from damnation, however, if you, my beloved children, can write a name or many names as I would hope you would do, and you love me, and attend Masses, say your Rosaries, pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy; than by your faith and trust in me, your Divine Savior, I will save your loved ones from damnation. I AM the Son of the Living God, the Savior of all mankind and as you have loved me, so do I love you and those whom you love too.

Jesus: Now my little children, do not despair. You will always have me, your Divine Savior, to help you in all your sorrows and tragedies. The days are becoming darker. Sin is everywhere. Evil is destroying so many lives, but hope and trust in me, your Savior always. I love you all. I love you too daughter. Please ensure this new message is posted so my beloved children can read it.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. Praise you Jesus for your mercy. Thank you Jesus.


Note: Many of the Apostles of the Green Scapular reported that their gardens had failed. For this reason, Anna Marie has requested anyone planting a garden this year NOT TO DISCUSS IT OVER THE PHONE WITH OTHERS. Many gardens were sprayed with a strange sticky substance that killed their vegetables. No one knows exactly how the substance was spayed on the plants, some believe it was by an airplane. Container gardening may be the solution, as Jesus suggested.

For further discernment (true stories from the Apostolate):

“You Can’t Leave Your Body Unprotected, Or Else…”

“Protecting My Home From Witches”

“Miraculous Report”

“Eucharistic Miracle”