Blessed Virgin Mary – “The future generation, how mankind will exist for centuries to come, will be decided in this generation”


September 24, 2013
“War and Peace”


Do not judge by surface events. You must see more deeply. All of human history is played out on the world stage. Every human being plays a part which they freely choose – a role of good or evil.

Heaven and hell are the real forces, attracting each person to make decisions. When the person has finished their days in human history, they will have decided to live in heaven or in hell.

It is the world after death, after their time on the world stage, that is really important for each human person.

Each person lives in a different age. When the age is peaceful and the culture is filled with faith, then many go to heaven. When the age is filled with war and the culture abandons heaven, then many go to hell. That is the main issue. The importance of world peace is that many are saved. The great price of war and violence is that many are lost.

January 12, 2014
“An Overview of the Human Drama”


Where will all of this end? Where does the road lead? That is still undecided. The heavenly Father has his plan for world history. He invites. He enlightens but he does not impose his plan. Man is free, able to accept God’s invitation or to walk a different path.

History is not a drama in which each person is forced to play a role, good or bad. Human history is God’s plan and it will end up with the great victory of his Son, Jesus Christ. He will be triumphant, with all the angels and saints. That part is unchangeable. How and when that moment arrives, who will be counted among the elect, how each person will share or not share in Jesus’ victory is not predetermined. This drama plays out every single day in the choices and actions of every living human person.

Behind the scene, are two forces – divine and demonic, good and bad. They are not equal forces. Satan, in the end, will be destroyed and cast forever into hell. As yet, he is still able to greatly influence human history, mainly through people whom he controls or has some power over. This is what I constantly teach. His activity is planned and is now coming to a culmination. The great war, described in Revelation, Chapter 12, is beginning. I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun, Satan’s great adversary, hidden until this age but now being revealed. Everyone, but especially the Church, must listen to me and do as I say. Otherwise, Satan will continue to enjoy more victories.

January 22, 2014
“God’s Touches”


I want to explain God’s touches, the inspirations of grace, the awakening of the soul. God creates each soul for his glory. He has a plan for every single person. In his plan, the person finds perfect happiness and plays his role in the divine drama of human history.

How does a person discover this plan? God touches them. He places holy desires. He whispers. He speaks. Sometimes, he even shouts and His voice is heard above every other voice.

Slowly the soul awakens. Like the young boy, Samuel, or the blind man, Bartimaeus, the soul realizes the great truth, “The Lord is calling you”. What a sacred and holy moment. How decisive. The turning point. The moment of opportunity. God invites the soul into a friendship with eternal consequences. The whole history of the world hangs in the balance.

Every soul’s “yes” to God changes the world. The drama takes place in the secret recesses of the human heart where God touches the soul, inspires it to surrender and awakens it to a glory it had never perceived before.

How can the soul respond correctly? This is my secret. At that moment, I am always there. Call on my name and you will not miss out.

August 21, 2014
“Man’s Helplessness”


Human history is a powerful stream which is difficult to understand and, even more difficult to control. Yet, some have risen up, hoping to control history and turn the stream totally in their direction. In this they have failed, but they did leave their mark.

God wants human persons to help, to cooperate and to participate in the shaping of human history. Even with this heavenly decision, it would be wrong to see history as the product of human labor. Other forces come into play which very much shape all human events. As the Church grasps this total picture, it will see its own role. As the world understands, it will not be entrapped by its foolish decisions.

So, let me try to explain the factors that make up human history and the forces which shape it, for good or evil. This enlightenment is absolutely needed so that the Church and the world can walk in light. Let us begin.

By himself, man cannot accomplish the good. He can do some good but, without God’s help, that good will be corrupted, lose its power and even turn to evil. Such is the nature of the human heart and of human society. Man, without God, is helpless to bring about the purpose of human history.

August 22, 2014
“Who Shapes Human History?”


At the opening of the story of mankind all was sinless. All was a “yes” to the decision of the heavenly Father to bring forth persons made in his image and likeness, a startling decision that flesh and blood would share in God’s powers of knowing and willing. It was the grand experiment, and even the angels were amazed at this next step in God’s unfolding plan.

They rejoiced to have man as their friend, knowing that man’s destiny was to join them forever in heaven. The fallen angels did not see this creation of man in the same way. Their places were now vacant and God had chosen to fill these places with creatures much more lowly in stature than the mighty, but fallen, angels.

Thus, the contest began, a struggle that will continue to the end of time when, finally, Jesus will put all creation under his power and will wipe out death and sin forever. These are the shapers of human history. Although many shape the course of human history, man, of course, is at the center, the main actor, the one who ultimately must make the decision. However, these other forces are powerful. They, too, shape human history. I will unfold this story to enlighten all because many are quite unaware of the powers they face every day and of the helps that the heavenly Father wants to provide.

August 23, 2014
“Reading Human History Correctly”


I am speaking now of the course of human history, the path that it takes and the goals that it chooses to accomplish. This is the vision I want to implant in your hearts.

Many speak of human history as if they could judge its failures and its successes. That is not true. Human history has one Judge, Jesus Christ. He, alone, will draw all to a close, whenever He so chooses. It is only when Jesus Christ returns, when all gather before him, when all is revealed, when the human race is separated forever, some on his right and others on his left, with some entering into eternal glory and others trooping off to hell, that everyone, in that instant, will see the purpose of human history.

These are the mysteries I am trying to reveal now. I must do this through locutions because mankind has turned a deaf ear to the preaching of these mysteries.

These truths used to fill the culture. They were the very pillars upon which society built its daily life. Now these pillars are destroyed.

August 25, 2014
“All Future Generations”


Human history has many years to go. We are not at all near its end. However, the current generation will decide an important question. Will the future family of man be a tree filled with life or will it become a branch that lives in a withered form?

In human history, the future generation does not decide what it receives. The previous generations make those decisions and then they bequeath earth to others. What will be left? What will be handed on? These are the modern questions. What world will we leave to future generations?

The answers to these questions are not many years away. Earth will continue. Human life will continue. There are years and years to go before history ends. But answering the question of the future of the human race is not far away. I will say this with all of my strength, “The future generation, how mankind will exist for centuries to come, will be decided in this generation”. That is how serious are the conflicts now arising in every part of the globe. The level of human life that is bequeathed for generations to come will be decided by this generation. Can I say it any more starkly?

This generation is the hinge upon which all future generations will swing – to life or to death, to light or to darkness.

Although all of these questions are far beyond the powers of mankind, mankind still believes in its own powers, trusts its own judgments and refuses to listen to heaven. That is why I speak and why these little locutions are of such grave importance.

August 26, 2014
“Casting New Fire Upon the Church”


Human history continues on its path until some Movement arises, which points out a new direction. How many times such movements have saved the world and rescued human history before it succumbed to the evil of its own decisions. At the center of these movements were strong personalities surrounded by devout disciples.

They knew how to spread their ideas so that many others joined in their fervor. The greater their numbers and the greater their devotion to their cause, the more powerful would be their impact.

Such was the vision of Jesus, as he gathered his disciples and taught them how to gather others. Released into human history was the great movement called Christianity which turned the world away from destruction and formed a new way of thinking and acting.

What has happened to this Movement? It now embraces the whole world. Christians live everywhere in almost every culture. In some places and among some groups, the original fervor remains. However, in so many places and in the hearts of those who call themselves Christian, the fervor of Jesus has cooled down. Even the understanding of his goals have been lost. The Movement has been swallowed up. The light no longer goes forth. The fire has been extinguished. Many claim the name of Jesus but the throbbing power of his life does not flow in their hearts.

This is why I act. This is my goal. More than any other disciple, I received the divine fire. It never grew cold in my heart. It always blazed with its initial fervor. Now I want to pour out this fire upon the whole Church. I take for myself, the words that Jesus used, “I have come to cast fire upon the earth”. If I do not cast this fire of divine love, rousing all believers to a new life in Christ, the human race will be unable to turn aside from its rush into a fire that will destroy all.

August 26, 2014
“History’s Final Scene”


When human history ends, and all of mankind is gathered before my Son, Jesus, only then will the full revelation of the heavenly Father’s plan be revealed.

At that moment, each person and each generation will see what they have done. All will see human history before their very eyes, like a movie in which they themselves are the actors, choosing to act according to the script of God or choosing to play a different role and become a discordant note.

Such will be that great moment. Every person will have played some part. Those who added to the story will be lifted up onto the heavenly stage. Those who rejected their God-given place will be left behind. They refused to be saved by the Lamb of God. Such is the final scene of human history.

August 27, 2014
“The True God of History”


When all human history comes to a close in the presence of Jesus, every person will look into their own heart. They will find there all of their decisions, all the people who influenced them (for good or evil) and all the forces which shaped their lives. They will see themselves as they truly are, ready for heaven or worthy only of hell. What a frightful moment that is. The decisions, the choices, all have been made. The die is cast. What is can never be changed.

Contrast this final moment with human history, where decisions are made every day and nothing is final and all can be changed. That is my message to the world. While living in human history, you can change. On earth, none of your decisions are final until that final moment.

No matter what darkness you have accepted, no matter what evil you have committed, nothing is final while you are still on earth. Human history exists so the human person might live forever. Such is the true goal. Seek this and you shall live.

August 28, 2014
“The Only Important Question”


When all of history ends with its final culmination, there is only one question, “O reader, will you be with me, forever?” Mankind thinks of the millions of people, but as a Mother, I think only of you. I want you to be with me forever. I want to share the joys of heaven with you. I want to be your mother and have you as my son or daughter.

You are mine. Yes, my child, I gave birth to you in the pain of the cross when I offered Jesus to the Father and accepted the beloved disciple. “Woman, behold your son”, Jesus said. At that moment, I saw you and became your mother.

Nothing else is important. The joys and the sufferings of earth pass away. History culminates. Jesus returns. All gather. The Book of Life is opened. I have written your name in this book.

I have written it in large and prominent letters. You are precious to me. I cherish you. I want to hold you forever and ever in my Immaculate Heart. I want no one to steal you from me.

That is why I speak each day. For you! Blessed is that person who cherishes my words.

For further discernment:
Messages from God the Father explaining the Era of Peace (Book of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy)