Special Commentary – The Great Warning, Islam, and the Divine Plan – By a soul


By a soul

(written on the Feast of Our Lady of the Way, 2017)

While I was praying about my next commentary, an Appeal addressed to my fellow Americans, the Holy Spirit prompted me to change topics to this writing, so certain mysteries about the Apocalypse can be unlocked and understood by the many people who will one day visit the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Now, I do not claim to be an expert on Christian prophecy. And I am certainly no expert at all about Islam. But, the little I know, I am going to explain to you all, so you will have greater understanding about satan’s plans for the End Times. And if you have been reading my recent commentaries for July and August, this writing is a continuation of those thoughts.

This past week, I finished a special commentary, an Appeal to His Holiness, Pope Francis. In the Appeal, I outlined the several steps that need to be completed before the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. These steps include the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma, etc., so the Era of Peace can begin and the Great Chastisement as prophesied at Garabandal can be averted. And in that Appeal, I urged very strongly for Pope Francis to be physically present at the Great Miracle of Garabandal. This is because if Pope Francis witnesses the Great Miracle, he will no longer have any doubts of what God and Our Lady are asking him to do. I wrote that his salvation would be secure with the Lord, because he will no longer travel this dead-end path to hell that he is taking the Catholic Church on as the false prophet of Revelation.

Well, after I wrote the Appeal to Pope Francis, I was very joyful, as thought to myself, this Great Plan of God is fool-proof. Surely, Pope Francis will read my Appeal in the aftermath of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and he will go see the Great Miracle, right? I pray so much for his salvation and I really do not want to see his condemnation as the false prophet. And I thought to myself, if Pope Francis converts, then surely, much of the suffering of the Great Tribulation will be curtailed and millions of souls saved, right? I was truly overjoyed. And the next day after I finished my Appeal, God the Father gave a message at Holy Love Ministries (http://www.holylove.org), which seemed to confirm that much good was accomplished:

August 8, 2017

I am Father God – Patriarch of all nations. The good accomplished this last weekend in the concerted prayer effort could fill volumes if it were recorded. That is why the enemy of your salvation causes so much disturbances before, during and after these events. During these events, his grip on the heart of the world is loosened…”

And so, Heaven allowed me to be happy for a few days. Then, the Holy Spirit reminded me in prayer about radical Islam, and then, I thought, “oh no, I forgot.” And so, that is why I am writing this commentary, because I thought to myself, “okay, we have to fix this part of satan’s plan, too.” And so, my hope is, by explaining this situation to everyone, people will be willing to pray more for peace, the Consecration of Russia, and that we make it safely to the Great Miracle of Garabandal, which God wants every person on earth to see, because it has so much grace attached to it, the Great Miracle and Great Sign will convert the whole world.

Now, in Islam, there are many prophecies about the End Times. Again, I do not claim to be an expert at all in Islam, but I need to share a few things, so all Christians and people of good-will will understand the need for intense prayer for peace and conversion back to God in the aftermath of the Great Warning. satan does not know all the details of Our Heavenly Father’s Plan for this special time, but due to his superior intellect, he has planted enough “seeds” throughout human history, and in particular, in Islam, that he intends to have them sprout as weeds.

In Islam, there are three characters that you need to know about. They are the Mahdi, Isa, and the Al-Masih ad-Dajjal. The Mahdi is a man who is a military hero and religious leader who precedes the coming of Isa, which is the Islamic name for Jesus. A sign of the coming of the Mahdi is a comet that rises in the east. Isa, or the Jesus of the Koran, is prophesied to return shortly after the Mahdi prepares the way and he will “break all crosses” by leading the Muslims against the Christians.

Now, there is debate between Islamic scholars on the identity of the Mahdi and there are conflicting prophecies about both the Mahdi and Isa. But, in this End Times, satan plans to reconcile all these Islamic differences, by having the Mahdi and Isa be the same person (not two separate people). The Mahdi/Isa is known to Christians as the “antichrist” of Revelation. The antichrist is a demon incarnate, the spawn of satan.

How do I know this? Well, in the Book of Truth, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, revealed to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, that when the antichrist first appears on the scene, he will be known as a great military hero, because he will negotiate peace between the Jews and the Arabs in Jerusalem. Then, he will quickly negotiate peace treaties among the rest of the warring nations in the nuclear war. However, in the Book of Truth, Jesus stated that the antichrist will only reveal that he is Jesus Christ in the flesh later, after the union between Babylon (the European Union) and the false Catholic Church is established by the false prophet. Also, in a recent message given to Prophet John Leary, http://www.johnleary.com, Jesus revealed that the antichrist is of Islam. So, the antichrist will claim to be the Jesus of the Koran.

Now, Christians may not be aware of this fact, but in the Koran, Mohammad teaches that lying is acceptable when used against infidels (non-Muslims). So, it will be totally acceptable to Muslims that the antichrist will lie about his identity as the Mahdi and then as Isa (Jesus of the Koran). And Christians will be fooled, because he will be greatly-accepted by the false prophet in the Catholic Church. The false prophet will welcome Isa as Jesus Christ, because due to a near-death experience, he will be told by satan disguised as an angel of light that the man who negotiates peace to the nuclear war is Jesus Christ returned in the flesh.

Now, I need to talk about the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). satan has planted a wicked evil seed in Islam, which he intends to explode. I spoke about the comet prophecy that precedes the coming of the Mahdi. Well, let me talk about the third character that all Christians and all people of good-will need to know about, the Al-Masid ad-Dajjal. The Dajjal is the “antichrist” of Islam and is portrayed as a very evil being that has many magical powers. The Dajjal is portrayed as the arch-enemy of Isa and Allah (God) and it is said that the Heaven of the Dajjal is in reality, hell, for Muslims. In Islam, everything that the Dajjal does is, in reality, opposite of what it is. It is also said that the Dajjal will be very convincing to Muslims, seeking them to convert to Christianity. Also, the Dajjal is described as being very ugly with a swollen left eye and blind in his right eye.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, in the Book of Truth, Jesus described in a few messages to Maria Divine Mercy, details about the Crucifixion that are unknown to most people today. But, during the Passion, Jesus was beaten so severely, that He lost his right eye (so he was partially blind) and his left eye was severely swollen. My dear brothers and sisters, when we all experience the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), we will all see our sins before Our Lord, Jesus Christ, at the Crucifixion. And because more than 85% of people currently living on earth are in a state of mortal sin, including adherents of radical Islam, most people will witness hell. (See Holy Love Ministries message: https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2016/06/12/blessed-virgin-mary-a-grave-message-85-of-the-world-population-is-on-the-pathway-to-hell/)

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, can you even imagine how wicked this evil seed is by satan? Millions of Muslims, especially those leaning towards radical Islam, will deny the mystical experience of the Great Warning, because they will think that Our Beloved Lord, Jesus Christ, on The Cross, is the Dajjal of Islam. Millions of Muslims will see hell and because they will think that Jesus is the Dajjal, they will deny their only chance for eternal salvation. And in truth, these Muslims will become more radical and even more evil, because they will really believe that Islam is the true religion.

I am so distraught by this wicked evil seed of satan that he has planted in Islam. But, I continue to be truly hopeful in God, because Our Lord and Our Lady have a Great Plan for the salvation of the world. This horrible evil will be reversed and finally corrected by the Two Witnesses of Revelation. Let me explain.

After the Two Witnesses have concluded their testimonies for the Lord, they will lay down their lives for love of God and Our Lady. It will take place at a moment in time in which the entire future of Jerusalem will be at stake in the world. The Two Witnesses will go to Jerusalem and will be cruelly martyred, their bodies left laying in the streets before a gloating world. Their martyrdoms will be witnessed by the entire Muslim world. Then, after 3 and a half days, life will enter their bodies—they will be resurrected and their bodies will become transfigured before the astonished Muslim world. Then, the Muslim people will see them lifted up into Heaven by God, and their eyes will be opened. The Muslim people will finally know the truth of the Gospel.

satan has no defense against the resurrection of the Two Witnesses. Although Chapter 11 of Revelation has been part of Holy Scripture for two thousand years, satan has not been able to prepare for this part of the Divine Plan. For centuries, he thought the Two Witnesses would be St. Elijah the Prophet and Enoch of Old Testament, so he planted evil seeds throughout history for that reality. But, it is only because of recent mystical revelation by Our Lord and Our Lady, such as the messages given to Servant of God, Maria Valtorta, during the 1940s, that he started to realize the Two Witnesses are two unknown individuals in the world. But, satan has no true defense for the Resurrection. The only thing that he can do is try to hide it.

In the Book of Truth, Jesus gives a prophecy to Maria Divine Mercy that I have pondered a lot. Here it is:

I will raise up, within My Church, a man who will stand up and proclaim the Truth”

Saturday, May 10, 2014 @ 5:30 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, it is not for you to understand now, but know that I will raise up, within My Church, a man who will stand up and proclaim the Truth. He will do this at a time when no other Cardinal, Bishop, priest or any sacred servant of Mine will have the courage to do so. When the new false doctrine engulfs the Church, many, within it, will know in their hearts how flawed it will be. They will be alarmed, but too frightened to raise their voices. So outnumbered will they be, by those whose faith is so weak, that they will readily accept whatever heresy is placed before God’s children, in My Holy Name.”

The man I will raise is a brave soul and many will be relieved when he speaks up. When he does this, many more will rise up and speak out, thereby saving many souls. When he is raised, I have other plans to bring all those faiths together, who do not accept Me, Jesus Christ, as being the Son of God. All of these Divine Plans have been foretold and millions and millions of people from across the world will then realise the Truth. They will then swell and be blessed by Me, so they can gather all creeds together, with the sole purpose of ensuring that the True Word of God is proclaimed. The Faith will then spread so that My Word, as contained in the Holy Gospels, will be preached by men, women and their sons and daughters, in all four corners of the world. They will prophesy by revealing to the world these Divine Messages and My Presence will cover them to give them the strength and courage they will need.”

So powerful will this generation of Mine be, in spreading the Truth, that many of those who were misguided and who were led down a path of great error will turn and come running back to Me. They will spread so quickly that for every heresy committed against Me, millions of souls will be converted. I will draw the heathen first, for they have not been given the Truth, and so the world will be in no doubt as to how powerful My Intervention will be. Then, I will draw all other religions together and they will be shown, clearly, that there is only one way to My Father and that can only be through Me. And while I will draw millions of souls towards Me, and the Truth of Who I Am, millions of other souls will be drawn into a man-made religion, designed and created by the spirit of evil.”

The evil one’s great plan is as elaborate as it is simple and that is to bring damnation to as many souls as possible, by destroying their belief in Me, Jesus Christ. They will do this by denying the Truth. While the new religion will devour souls, through lies, I will regain three times that amount, by ensuring that God’s children do not forget the Truth.”



I have pondered this message a lot, because of my interest in the Two Witnesses and the fact that I discerned that the man who is raised up will be the “Pope of Fatima” who is martyred in the vision of the Third Secret of Fatima. I have also wondered what the other Divine Plans are for bringing together all faiths and non-believers, etc.

Well, it seems like Heaven is finally opening up these hidden Divine Plans to the world. Besides the bit of prophecies that I have been writing about in my several commentaries lately, Our Lord revealed a few days ago to Ned Dougherty (End Times Daily, http://www.endtimesdaily.com) the existence of “Twelve Apostles of the End Times.” I have included the heavenly message at the end of this commentary. But, basically, there are Twelve Apostles who have the prophetic gift and a special Presence of the Holy Spirit. They are scattered throughout the world. I believe that these Twelve Apostles will be especially anointed by Our Lord during the Great Warning for their missions. I believe these Twelve Apostles will be critical in bringing the Gospel to people of other religions and non-believers. And along with the Two Witnesses, these Twelve Apostles will convert the entire world back to God.

satan does not know all the details of God’s Plan for mankind’s salvation. I do not believe that satan knows the Secrets of Medjugorje. And, as I have written previously, satan did not know what the Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal are until St. Gabriel the Archangel revealed it to me this past January 2017. But, I believe that he is in an angry panic as these mystery plans are being revealed through the most recent heavenly messages to the world. he is disparate and vicious in his last throes of this 100th Anniversary Year of Fatima. As revealed in a heavenly message, satan will lose much of his current power after October 13th—the last day of the Fatima Anniversary Year. Knowledge of this fact, has given me much hope that the world can turn itself around towards facing God. I look forward to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the great Era of Peace.

In conclusion, I want to say something about Pope Francis. I continue to be very hopeful about his eternal salvation and I urge everyone to pray for his soul and for his conversion. Much of the suffering in the Great Tribulation can be curtailed, along with millions of souls being saved, just by this single man’s conversion. And I know it is possible, because Our Lady would not ask for so much prayer if there was not a possibility of this happening.

However, whether or not Pope Francis converts, sadly, the Vatican will be lost. If Pope Francis persists in continuing the false prophet path that he is on, God Our Father will not permit the antichrist to sit on the Chair of St. Peter. And so, God will allow the Vatican to burn, and the antichrist will take up his seat nearby in Rome.

But, if Pope Francis does convert—which I am hopeful will happen due to the Great Miracle of Garabandal—the Vatican will still burn. This is because of radical Islam. Due to the massive influx of Muslims to Europe, all the radical adherents within Islam are going to rise up against Christians and the Vatican will burn. The well-known prophecy of the pope fleeing Rome will become a reality. And the antichrist will take up his seat in Rome regardless.

I know that is sad to think about, but as I have stated before, that is why it is urgent that the United States of America accept its divine mission and become a sanctuary nation for Christianity, as requested by God and Our Lady many times at Holy Love Ministries. When the Vatican is lost, God desires that the papacy have a temporary home in America. There are many special intentions that God and Our Lady have as part of Their Divine Plan to save the world. Many of these special intentions involve America. But, they will be only possible if Americans take their country back from satan, under the leadership of President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, I have written quite a bit although I did not expect this commentary to be that lengthy. But, I hope that by reading my words, it helps people to see the bigger picture of what is happening in our world—both the physical and the spiritual.

God bless!


End Times Daily
Message Given To Ned Dougherty

August 2, 2017 @ 9:45am

Meditation Garden, St. Rosalie’s Parish, Hampton Bays, New York

Jesus The Redeemer

My son,

I walk with you today, as I walk with all my brothers and sisters in these End Times. I ask all of you to bow down your heads and pray mightily for the future of mankind in these End Times, for the journey is difficult, and the trials and tribulations will only increase during these times.

But I also ask all of you, my brothers and sisters, to rejoice in these End Times, for the end is near and the future is indeed a blessing for those of you who are fortunate to experience the greatest transformation in the history of humanity that shall take place to usher in the New Heaven and New Earth, as promised by Our Father in Heaven, who has created all that there is.

Glorify the Presence of the Father in Heaven through your prayers and your sacrifices during these trying times, for it is the plan of Our Father in Heaven to redeem all of humanity, and for those of you who choose your Creator above all else, the Father in Heaven has a special plan of salvation for those of you who have answered His call.

As His Son, I have come to you throughout the ages, more fully in my actual appearance on Earth 2,000 years ago. Now I walk among my brothers and sisters again, not in the physical or visible sense, but through the Power of the Holy Spirit, I am here to answer the call of the Father in Heaven, who has ordained My Presence among you, now as before.

Today I am with all of you, who are doing my Father’s bidding. I ask all of you to recognize that Your Saviour, Jesus Christ, is here among you, not as visibly as before, but as powerfully as before through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

In these end times, there shall be Twelve Apostles of the End Times, now as before. Among those chosen, I will be doubted; I will be denied; and I will be betrayed, now as before. The greatest betrayal to my Second Coming will be through those among you as Church leaders, who deny that I am here in these End Times, not visibly but just as real, now as before.

During these time, My Church will be in turmoil, due to the failure of many of the clergy to truly believe in My Presence or the Truth of My Mission. They are not only filled with doubt, but in many cases, have succumbed to the temptations and allurements of the evil one, who has enslaved many of My chosen followers, who must peel the scales from their eyes, and finally swear allegiance to the Father in Heaven, and repudiate the occult practices within My Church that are really means of worship to venerate the fallen angel of light, lucifer, who has been condemned to eternal darkness without ever knowing the true Love of the Father in Heaven.

So I ask all of my brothers and sisters to recognize the warning that you must discern the path that is the only path through Your Redeemer to the Father in Heaven. It is the righteous path through the Church that I had established 2,000 years ago, and to which I shall return as the Head of the New Church during these end times.

For the Father in Heaven has designed that the ways of the evil one, who has had his way with humanity, as well as with his attempts to destroy the Church, his evil ways will fall asunder, for the Father in Heaven through His Son, the Lord and Redeemer, will make all things new again.

I ask you to become increasingly aware of the Apostles of the End Times, for my Apostles of the End Times are scattered throughout the world to appeal to all of humanity with messages of warning in these end times, requesting that all of humanity prepare for the end times events that are soon to take place.

The transition will be swift, and through your prayers, the pain of the transition and change will be lessened, for the power of your prayers is the greatest healing force in these end times, now as before, in the ancient times.

Message ended 10:05am


UPDATE (9/23/17):
God the Father – “I am raising up certain religious leaders during this most crucial hour of decision which weighs upon the heart of the world” (Holy Love Ministry message)