Understanding the Impact of the Great Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal In Avoiding the Great Chastisement

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Understanding the Impact of the Great Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal In Avoiding the Great Chastisement

Comment (By a soul):

After the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs, all people will know true right from true wrong in their lives. However, there will be much confusion afterwards, as many people will not know the direction that Heaven wants earth to take. This is because most people will have seen the fires of hell in their life review. And, in particular, Christians will not know which denomination is the True Faith. However, it is the hope of Our Heavenly Father that the subsequent Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, which will happen within a year of the Warning in the Springtime, will help mankind to understand the desires of Heaven. And, in particular, Christians will be shown clearly that the Tradition of Faith (Catholic Church) is the True Faith of God and mankind will know the steps that need to be taken to avoid the Great Chastisement and to prepare for the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The period between the Warning and the Miracle of Garabandal will be critical to the future of mankind, as the six Medjugorje visionaries and Conchita of Garabandal will be testifying on the Great Chastisement (Tenth Secret of Medjugorje), which they will have witnessed during the Warning. All mankind needs to understand the seriousness of the times that we are living in and that all mankind will be subject to the Great Chastisement if mankind does not repent and convert back to God. Everyone must be told of the forthcoming Miracle of Garabandal in the Springtime, including Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI, U.S. President Donald Trump, and U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence, because these four people wield much world power and authority and are essential characters in avoiding the Great Chastisement from God. Through the witnessing of the Great Miracle, these four key individuals will know what God expects of them and what they need to do to further the Divine Plan. God bless!

From the Book of Truth
(Maria Divine Mercy)

Prophecy at Garabandal will now become a reality
Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, we have come a long way in such a short time. That was for a reason. For it was all the time needed to impart My Most Holy Word in a world starving of My Love. Still they do not listen, because they do not want to know. While many of My loyal followers are alert now, to the changes coming, so many have no interest whatsoever in the warnings given to the world by My beloved Mother up to now. The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event, for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls.

Please do not fear, My daughter, for I know that these events have made you sad because you are thinking of your children’s future. The Warning will change everything. But it will present a fork in the road. Mankind, when having been woken up to the Truth of the Existence of God, will then, through his own free will, chose one of two paths, the path of salvation, or the path of damnation.

Chastisement will wipe out much of the world

Pray hard that man chooses the first. For if he doesn’t, the world will suffer the most severe chastisement with much of it wiped out. Why would My children wish this? Yet, because of sin, man will sadly choose to ignore My promise and follow the path of the deceiver. I have told you, I will not give you a date for The Warning, for this is known by only a few chosen souls. For if this date were to be made public, people would be tempted to seek redemption out of a sense of false humility. Trust in Me. All will be well, children. You are blessed to be given this wonderful Gift of Revelation. The world will now seem to become quieter and somewhat strange in the coming months leading up to The Warning. For when it happens, spectacular though it will be visually in the sky, so quiet will this mystical experience be, that you will be more prepared for this silent encounter with your own conscience.

Remember, the more people that are forewarned of this event, the more souls will be saved. Pray, pray My Divine Mercy for those souls who will die during The Warning. They need your prayers.


Atheists and scientists will say that The Warning was an illusion
Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 @ 18:30

My dearly beloved daughter, you must move forward, look straight ahead and follow My instructions. Do not turn to the side when you are being assailed by the evil one every minute of the day. Focus on Me only. You must learn to understand that time spent in My company, especially at Adoration, is essential if you are to keep on top of this Mission. The length of time spent in prayer is also important because the longer you spend in close communication with Me, the more graces you will receive. Failure to do so will mean that you are leaving yourself wide open to attacks from the deceiver.

My Word, My daughter, is being ignored by many who do not want to listen. There are many reasons for this. Many of My children today have closed their eyes to the Truth of their spiritual existence. They embrace the world and all it offers as a substitute for the Bread of Life. Many are also wary of false prophets, for this is the age in which false prophets will emerge everywhere. This is the confusion that Satan wants to cause so that those genuine messengers of mine go unnoticed. Because of the humility required by My chosen visionaries, they cannot exalt themselves in the eyes of the world, for it is not in their nature. The false visionaries will push themselves into the limelight. Their focus will be centred on themselves. Their messages may seem authentic and full of flowery language, featuring extracts from the Holy Bible, where it suits, but there will be two key aspects to their messages that will expose them for the untruths they impart. The first, is that they will be central to the messages and will enjoy all of the attention they receive. Then finally you have the messages themselves. They will be confusing, hard to read and will not leave a lasting impression on the soul. Sadly, My daughter, the Church tends to ignore the authentic seers because they must show responsibility in these matters.

It is, therefore, far easier for My Church to support those messages, which include extracts from the Holy Bible, to declare these to be authentic. Not so easy is it for them to accept the simplicity of My Teachings, especially when today much of the Truth hides behind the mask of tolerance. Not easily accepted either, is the reminder of the end times, when through fear and ignorance, those sacred servants of Mine refuse to take up My Cup and act responsibly.

This is the most important time in the history of the world. All the signs have been given to My visionaries throughout the last century, yet they are ignored and shoved aside as they bury their heads in the sand. It is precisely at this time that My sacred servants must preach about the importance of My return to Earth. They must prepare souls by reminding them of the consequences of failing to redeem themselves while they are still on this Earth, for they cannot ask for forgiveness after death. I call on My sacred servants now. Why won’t you emphasize this to your flock? Why do you not actively discuss the repercussions for My children during the Great Chastisement? Don’t you know that many of My children will lose their souls to the antichrist, who is already here on this Earth, ready to spring as he waits in the wings? My children must understand that The Warning, while a great Act of Mercy, is only the first phase in what will be a very difficult and challenging time for all My children. For after that those hardened sinners and followers of Satan will deny My Existence.

Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation, but there won’t be one. Meanwhile, My followers will be torn in two. Many millions will have converted, but they will be confused by the lies spread by the evil group, the one world deadly organization whose goal is to destroy the little people for their own financial gain.

Children, if enough people cannot stay on the true path then it will not be possible to avert the impact of the chastisement. For this is when God the Father will move to stop sinners from destroying His Creation and His children. He will unleash earthquakes on a magnitude never experienced before; volcanoes in the most unlikely places and the Earth will be tossed like a ship in rough waters with no anchor to hold it in one place.

Please, children, allow The Warning to save you all. Accept that this miracle will help save millions, who otherwise, would have been lost. But for those who do not want to change their lives, they will choose the house of Satan. Without prayer there is no hope for them, for they will forfeit the keys of the New Paradise on Earth. Instead, they will burn in the fires of Hell. If they knew where this the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways? Children, please help them by telling them the Truth. Pray to save their souls if they won’t listen, for that is all you can do.


Second Coming to happen soon after The Warning
Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 @ 19:15

My dearest daughter, you must always trust in Me and know that not one single Message given to you will ever be contaminated.

You are firmly held in My Most Sacred Heart and your hand is being guided by My Hand.

Only My Holy Word can and ever will be written by you to impart My Messages for the whole of humanity.

You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. I cannot reveal this date, for that is not according to the Will of My Eternal Father. The Warning will happen most unexpectedly and when man is caught unawares.

Time is very short, so spend as much time praying hard to save souls. All souls.

Chastisement has been withheld and will only occur if man fails to repent and returns in large numbers back to his wicked ways after The Warning.

My Father has given permission to herald My Second Coming within a very short period of time on Earth. It will happen soon after The Warning. All souls need to be fully prepared.

The next Crusade of Prayer to save souls is as follows:

O Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have Mercy on all sinners. Open their hearts to accept salvation and to receive an abundance of graces. Hear my pleas for my own family and ensure that each one will find favour in Your loving Heart.

O divine heavenly Father, protect all Your children on Earth from any nuclear war or other acts which are being planned to destroy Your children. Keep us from all harm and protect us. Enlighten us so we can open our eyes to hear and accept the Truth of our salvation without any fear in our souls.

Go in Peace.